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Koda travels west- and back again

Update on Koda- he is 6 weeks post partial front limb amputation. Our original chemotherapy date was delayed unfortunately due to a wound that developed post surgery- a note to future owners who elect for partial amputation, is that the bandage over the amputation site is very difficult to keep on given the only surface it has for gripping is the elbow, and if the dog extends the elbow then the bandage loosens and falls off. After multiple trips to the vet with the bandage slipping off within hours, we elected to replace it ourselves at home. Having to replace the bandage 1-3x/day, we ultimately placed a bandage on too tightly which created an eschar- an area of dead skin/tissue damage from being on too tight. These things take weeks to months to heal, and so unfortunately we were unable to start chemo on time due to this. Despite this, we are happy with the decision to only partly amputate, as Koda is such a large dog, the residual limb does not see to affect his balance as he walks and he actually uses the remaining part to help him lay down and push up from a seated position.

In the last 3 weeks

Koda at the Grand Canyon
we sold our house, and while waiting for the new house to be ready, we bought an RV and traveled the country, including a visit to the Grand Canyon. Koda’s favorite place was Yellowstone I think, for his breed I think he felt those “lands” were the best!

Chemo is now scheduled for Aug 6, and he will get his prosthetic on Aug 12th. The folks at OrthoPets in CO have been making his prosthetic. He’s done incredibly well on 3 legs for a 165lb dog but we are hopeful that the prosthetic will allow him to go on longer walks, as he often wants to go farther and farther and he does not have the stamina to hop that far.

Koda the Great Pyrenees is brought to you by Tripawds.